Slow down, it’s summer
There is no universal recipe for relaxation. Sorry if you feel like you’ve been tricked. In fact, the recipe is unique to every person. For some people, relaxation is sports. For others, it’s the arts. The important thing is to find YOUR OWN way to unwind. To do so, you first have to figure out what helps you breathe easier.
Ask yourself: What really makes me feel good? And, most importantly, make sure you find an answer, because there certainly is one.
When was the last time you said to yourself, “I wish time could stop for a while”, or “right now, everything feels just perfect”? The answer will give you some idea of what you need to put reality on pause and relax. Like everyone else, you need some time to slow down.
It’s summer, it’s time to unwind.
Vacation is a state of mind
No vacation this summer? But remember, you don’t work 24 hours a day. Before and after work, you can decide that you’re on vacation, even if it’s only until tomorrow. Leave work at work; it will still be there tomorrow, waiting for you. Just saying out loud that you’re on vacation helps put you into the right state of mind.
In the summer, the sun rises early and the evenings are long and warm! Take this opportunity to shake up your routine. Take a walk at the market, make a fire in your backyard (if city regulations allow it), roast marshmallows with the kids, go out to a movie or a show, invite friends over for dinner, or go cycling, hiking or play tennis. It’s time to truly live in the moment. Changing your routine will help you unwind!
Take a tech break
I don’t mean to lecture you. We’re all dependent in some form or another on our smartphones or other digital devices. They take up too much space in our lives, and flood us with information, which leaves us dazed. We all know this.
Try it this week. Allow yourself short periods of time to use those devices, but leave them in a box the rest of the time. Suggest this exercise to everyone in the house, and relax together. Do something else. Like at the cottage, you can break out the cards, board games, or puzzles. Tell stories and jokes, share memories, look at old photographs, do something active. Play “Facebook”, but in real life! Trade virtual reality for human reality. It’s good to log off and meet up.
Vacationing at home
Packing your bags, planning an itinerary, saying goodbye – all of that rhymes with vacation. And it’s true that a vacation will help you completely unwind. But choosing to spend your vacation at home and being a tourist in your own region can also be very relaxing. Take advantage of this break from the daily grind to try activities you don’t normally do and to discover the hidden treasures of your own community. It’s a great opportunity to clear your mind and rest. Enjoy your coffee calmly on your patio, appreciate the comfort of your home, visit friends, take a day trip and come home to sleep. What a simple joy. Take reading breaks in the middle of the afternoon on your lounge chair. Doing what we love, what nourishes our spirit, and what imbues us with a profound sense of well-being is part of what it means to take a vacation, and it’s all possible without even leaving home.
The important thing is to find your own way to take a step back and breathe. To do so, it’s essential that you connect to your personal network to get the right vibe. Have you forgotten the password? Try UNWIND.